How to develop my company's strategy
To be successful, a company must first define its overall objective and the strategy for achieving it. Defining a goal and a plan of action is the best way to move forward efficiently, even if, along the way, you realise that you need to adapt things.
The entrepreneur guides the development of his business by setting a general policy or medium-term vision that takes into account the need to develop the strategy and the resulting short-term action plans. He must identify all the factors that may influence the development of the company's commercial activity.
Company formation 247
Developing a project consists of defining a general and global objective on which all the company's efforts will be concentrated. Depending on the case (start-up, innovative project, existing company, etc.), this general objective may be an innovative project, a development plan or a company policy.
The general objective (or company policy in large groups) corresponds to the company project. It concerns the choice of the company's main orientations, its mission (What is the purpose of our work? What added value do we bring?) and the goals it sets itself (What do we want to be? What values do we defend?).
Determining an overall objective, which strengthens the cohesion of the company and contributes to better coordination of operational decisions, is not reserved for large groups. It is beneficial to all entrepreneurial projects, whatever their size and activity. TMP, SME, ETI, ... all companies are concerned by the strategic approach that will help them develop their business.
The strategy consists of studying the different possible options for achieving the objective set and choosing the most appropriate one. We identify 3 strategic levels to be taken into consideration:
The group's growth strategy (corporate strategy);
The competitive strategies of the different areas of activity (business strategy);
The operating strategy.
As shown in the attached diagram, the strategies have a hierarchical link which it is important to respect in order to maintain the coherence and effectiveness of the choices made.